Do leopard geckos eat grasshoppers? The definite answer is yes. Leopard geckos can eat grasshoppers, but there are some things you must know before you feed grasshoppers to your leopard gecko.
Leopard geckos are a beautiful and interesting species of gecko. They are commonly known as desert lizards, and you can find them in many parts of the world, including North America, Asia, Australia, and Africa.
Leopard geckos are also one of the most popular species for keeping as pets because they are easy to care for and are active creatures that enjoy climbing up walls or other objects around their home cage or enclosure.
There is a wide range of various insects that you can give to your pet, which can provide the proper nutrients they need and also enhance their natural hunting skills. Grasshoppers are just one part of their diet.
Are grasshoppers poisonous to lizards? Some insects are poisonous or toxic, but grasshoppers do not belong to this group. You can purchase freeze-dried grasshoppers or a live feeder for your leopard gecko. Grasshoppers are high in protein and fiber, essential for your leopard gecko’s growth and overall health.
Are Grasshoppers Good and Healthy for Leopard Geckos?

Grasshoppers are a good source of protein, calcium, and vitamins. They also provide trace minerals, such as iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium. Grasshoppers have a high fiber content, which is beneficial for your pet’s digestive system because it helps to keep their intestines healthy.
If you are feeding your leopard gecko only foods that contain no animal products, make sure not to provide them too much at once. Overfeeding can lead to obesity.
Here are some pros and cons of feeding grasshoppers to your leopard gecko.
- Not only are grasshoppers a good source of calcium and protein, but they also have the highest-quality protein of all insects, with about 10% fat and 20% protein.
- Feeding grasshoppers to your leopard geckos in small amounts daily won’t overstuff or make your gecko obese, which can lead to digestive problems later on in life (and death).
- Grasshoppers are high in fat and low in protein, so they should not be fed as a staple diet. While they can benefit leopard geckos, too many can cause obesity and other health problems later.
- Grasshoppers are high in chitin, which can cause blockages in the digestive tract if eaten in large amounts.
- Grasshoppers are high in fat, so they should be fed sparingly and only if your leopard gecko has a calcium deficiency. It would be best if you did not feed your leopard gecko a grasshopper diet for an extended period.
How To Feed Grasshoppers to Leopard Geckos

Feed your leopard gecko grasshoppers in moderation. They are not supposed to be the main diet of your leopard gecko but can help add fiber and protein to their diet.
You should feed grasshoppers no bigger than the width of your leopard gecko’s head but not so small that it would cause choking or discomfort for them. The distance between eyes should also be considered when deciding how big or small insects should be before offering them. If they fall within those parameters, then there shouldn’t be any issues.
How Often Can You Feed a Grasshopper to a Leopard Gecko?

If you’re looking to feed your leopard gecko grasshoppers, here are some general guidelines.
Ideal Feeding Time
The ideal time to feed your leopard gecko is during the day, which means that if you want them to eat more than just a couple of crickets or mealworms every week, it’s better if they get their protein from something else besides crickets or mealworms.
You can feed them by mixing up their diet with other insects, such as cockroaches (Cimicidae) and locusts (Locustidae), which are smaller than large grasshopper species but still provide similar amounts of protein per gram ingested.
Amount of Insects
The number of grasshoppers to give your leopard gecko depends on their dietary requirements. You should base it on their age, current health status, and size. Most adults require anywhere between 20-30 grams per week. This requirement should be about five to eight appropriately-sized grasshoppers for each meal.
Variety of Diet
It’s important to note that offering a variety of insects to your leopard gecko’s diet will give them the best nutritional benefits. Swap their meals from time to time with other insects like crickets or mealworms.
If you’re looking for someone to help raise your geckos, consider contacting your local pet store or reptile breeder. They are usually willing to advise on how many grasshoppers a leopard should eat and what other foods are safe for consumption.
Other Food You Can Feed Your Leopard Gecko
Are you looking to feed your leopard gecko some other food? Well, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few options:
- Mealworms: A favorite of many reptile enthusiasts, mealworms provide an excellent source of protein for your leopard gecko. They’re also effortless to care for and will require little effort on your part regarding feeding. Place a handful of mealworms in an open container with water and let them breed. Once they’re ready, place them in an enclosure.
- Crickets: Another excellent option is to feed your leopard gecko crickets. Crickets are a great protein source and are easy to care for.
Nutritional Value of Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers are a good source of protein. They have more than twice the amount of protein as beef, and they also contain high levels of fat, calcium, iron, and zinc.
Grasshoppers are an excellent choice for your lizard’s diet if you’re looking for something nutritious without any risk of causing health problems in your reptile pet. If you feel your lizard isn’t getting enough calcium from their diet, you can try sprinkling some ground-up grasshopper over their food dish once or twice daily (1 teaspoon per 2 ounces).
The real question is how to get your lizard to eat the stuff. You first need to remove any other food items from their cage so that they’re only presented with grasshoppers. Once this has been done, place one or two insects in front of your pet’s nose and let them grab it before taking it away again.
One question we often come across is, “can leopard geckos eat freeze-dried grasshoppers?” Our answer is yes. You could always try freezing the grasshoppers first, which will cause them to go limp and make it much easier for your pet to eat. But you have to make sure they’re entirely thawed before offering them.
Knowing the answers to critical questions, such as “will leopard geckos eat grasshoppers,” about your leopard gecko’s health and nutrition is important for their care.
It is essential to stay informed with the latest news about how to feed your leopard gecko grasshoppers. If any changes affect their diet, you should know what you can do to adjust accordingly.